Davide Manavella
Davide Manavella was born in Pinerolo in 1975. In the nineties he gets interested in photography as a selftaught and he joins a circle.
In the meantime, he develops an individual stylistic sensibility, sperimental techniques and he chooses to use a personal and particular "black and white".
With his 1998 work "Ricerca intorno alla liberazione dell'anima" he highlights his style structured in blurred, grainy photos with tonal contrasts elevated at the extreme. At the beginnmg of the new Millennium his production manifests itself in "Ritratti ambientati" in a continued research of a completely introspective reality that flows in his 2013 exhibition "Ipseitå sugli stati d'animo".
With his visual image he puts in contrapposition his emotions with those of the observer, who unavoidably questions himself in an exchange between inwardness and and exteriority.
"Privé "
Lights, shadows, blurred and grainy photos.Transposition of uncertainty and incomprehension of living in an indefinite image of the picture. This is the way I see things, this is may way of taking photographs.
"Privé" A look into the female world, a discrete and intimate private in contrapposition with a more explicitand share private; The presence of a genuine and natural nude, but also of an artifact and prosaic one, where the thin line that divides them if often difficult to separate.
The eye that observe doesn't always know how to filter the image's reality and the mask usually stay despite the nudity.
In a private that is easily public, today more than ever, the eye doesn't see what that it interprets.