Catia Mencacci
Catia Mencacci approached to the photography world in 2012, as an adult. The inscription on her first photo course happened almost as a game. Without any knowledge in photographic material and having never felt the need to take pictures before then, participates in early teachings without even a camera.
Her interest became a real passion very early. She was mostly interested to an impressionistic, oniric world in which the image brings the soul of the observer in a magical world: a world made of emotions and feelings such as enchantment, melancholy and dreamy.
"Am I dreaming or am I awake?"
# portafogli 01

Catia Mencacci
# portafogli 02
Catia Mencacci
# portafogli 02
Catia Mencacci is an artist who, through her images, manages to create visions that seem to belong to a parallel dimension.
This is an art full of technical experiments and dreamlike introspection, essential ingredients for a continuous and fruitful evolution.
Through this photographs we are able to grasp the true meditation of the figures and landscapes of the spirit.
What makes them unique and true artistic expression is the conceptual content that is inside and behind them.
Catia leaves nothing to chance but manages to go further and create new languages, new concepts, and new syntax, so as to transform the ordinary into art.
In this artistic investigation there is the clear perception of how the creations have the strength to change an apparent reality in concepts and form, transfiguring it into a contemporary artistic vision, very personal and subjective.
All this goes straight to the unconscious and brings to our mind something not experienced yet familiar at the same time.
It is in these backgrounds, mute, silent and sometimes tormented that ethereal figures appear as if by magic, bringing to the fore the intimist inspiration of this expressive sign.
Catia Mencacci investigates and makes visible the profound link between the dream world and her being an artist, responding to a creative need that has always been inherent in her.
The result is the set of profound images that come from another dimension, where a rarefied, discreet and suffused vision branches off and traps us in a suspended atmosphere.
(Giuseppina Irene Groccia)